Why do people choose to become contractors?
Our recently undertaken State of the Nation survey showed that the most valued benefit of being a contractor was the higher rate of pay, alongside being able to avoid office politics and work more flexible hours, with the aim of achieving a better work/life balance.
With contractor roles typically offering 50-150% more in terms of equivalent base salary, contracting can be very lucrative. While you then need to provision for downtime, holidays, sickness, insurance etc. the greater financial freedom contracting offers seems to allow our clients to determine what’s important to them.
It’s a common theme we hear over and over again from new contractors; the need for flexibility and the desire to be away from that 9-5 desk; escaping office bureaucracy and team building exercises. It’s rarely just about the cold hard cash – it’s about
Considering becoming a contractor?
Setting up needn’t be painful.
“I didn’t want to go back to a full or part-time job after my children were born; the thought of rigid workdays filled me with dread. I wanted to be able to work when I wanted, so now it’s mornings, late evenings and nights. I get to spend lots of time with my family, and have ultimate flexibility with my hours. If the kids are off school I just take on less projects! It’s hard work and takes quite a bit of juggling but I feel lucky to have so much flexibility.”
Julia, IT contractor
What is most important to you when it comes to contracting?

After these benefits, more interesting work and having the freedom to choose what work to undertake ranked highly. Life as a contractor offers one massive advantage over a permanent role – variety. Our clients are actively choosing their contracts and taking on the work they find most exciting – balancing their lifestyle with fulfilling work.
The State of the Nation 2019
2019 is set to be another year of monumental change and uncertainty. Politics, the economy, society and technology are all continuing to change at lightning speed. That’s why, in January, we conducted a survey to find out how contractors are preparing for the future. Our 2019 report brings together our thoughts on the current mood of contractors across the nation, leveraging data from our expert clients and comment from our in-house specialists, to provide a close-up look at what contractors are talking and worry about for the coming year.
Download the free full report in our eBook library.