Import transactions from Barclays bank

In this guide we show you how to export transactions from Barclays online banking in OFX format, and then import them into inniAccounts using the statement importer.

Step 1

From your Barclays online banking dashboard, click the ‘show recent transactions’ link for your current account

Step 2

Click the ‘View all transactions’ button at the bottom of the list.

Step 3

Login to inniAccounts and check the last date your bookkeeping is matched / reconciled to your Barclays bank account.

Your  transactions exported from Barclays must include the last matched date otherwise the statement import will not work. You may need to edit the date range in Barclays by clicking the Search transactions button.

Step 4

Click the ‘Export all’ link and select the option for OFX.

Step 5

With your OFX downloaded, login to inniAccounts and navigate to your bank account in the side navigation.

If you’ve not yet enabled the statement importer in inniAccounts, click the ‘Setup statement importing’ button at the top.

You can now drag and drop into inniAccounts the OFX file containing your transactions at the bottom of the screen.